AEM technology stack

Read my latest blog on AEM SPA Editor I have seen a lot of AEM (Adobe Experience Manager) blogs and threads explaining AEM technology stack. When I go thru most of them, I could not connect the dots and get a big picture. Here, I have created an AEM tech stack block diagram which made sense to me logically. Please feel free to leave comments in case of any errors or doubts. I have tried to represent most of the AEM terminologies visually like: AEM, Sling , JCR , Oak , Jackrabbit, CRX, OSGi , Granite . AEM is web content management solution from Adobe. It was previously known as CQ. AEM runs on Java Virtual Machine ( JVM ). The main container in AEM is Felix OSGi container which contains a lot of components in the form of OSGi bundles. Sling, Jetty Application Server and other custom java code is contained in the OSGi container in the form of bundles. Jetty application server is used as one of the bundles which provides the ability to listen to a configured port. L...