Understanding Adobe I/O with AEM

Audience : Adobe Architects, Developers Read time : 10 minutes Let us consider a typical enterprise level digital marketing eco-system containing Adobe solutions. Consider some typical BAU scenarios in such enterprise eco-system. Second party and third party providers might want to upload data to AAM on regular basis Native android/IOS application wants to access personalized offers from target and target in-turn gets its content from AEM. AEM author wants to push email templates to campaign and offers to target A custom visualization in tableau needs data in a certain format that combines analytics data and campaign success rate from target. Send WhatsApp and email notification to subscribers when a new page is created in microsite built on AEM. In this big eco-system of applications, security, scalability, performance with which they talk with each other plays a very important role. With the ever-expanding Adobe’s cloud suite of products, there is always a need for one-stop solu...